‪ 07999472578

Counselling / Yoga Classes Meditation

Welcome to Wellness Centre India

नीचे दिए गए फॉर्म को भर कर​, आप हमें अपनी जानकारी साझा कर सकते है, हमारी टीम जल्द आपसे संपर्क करेगी

Why Choose Us

We are one of the fastest growing and smartly emerging in India with highly trained professionals and supportive staff for a long term change in persons behaviour. Expert therapists available for your wellness journey.

We offer a serene and nurturing environment dedicated to promoting holistic well-being. Our expert team provides personalized services that blend ancient wisdom with modern techniques, helping you achieve a harmonious mind, body, and spirit.

As an NGO we are focused for the change in mankind and humanity with our esteemed support staff and engagement with our clients we believe we can change the odds in a person’s life, nature and behaviour. Call –

8815113996 | 7354920406 | 7828299295 |7999472578 | 8829863976 | 6267308851 | 7489257221 | 8829863977

Call Us Today for FREE Consultations

8815113996 | 7354920406 | 7828299295 |7999472578 | 8829863976 | 6267308851 | 7489257221 | 8829863977

Yoga Meditation Therapy

8815113996 | 7354920406 | 7828299295 |7999472578 | 8829863976 | 6267308851 | 7489257221 | 8829863977


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